What I admire most about Stacey is her ability to stay true to who she really is, her essence, and live her life as a creation rather than a default pattern dictated by society’s expectations. While others are chasing happiness, Stacey stays true to her intentions and creates happiness, joy, and fulfillment in her life moment by moment. She has been an inspiration to me and has caused me to look deep into my life and examine who and what I’m about. By her example, I continue to look to see what matters to me most, apart from what others expect of me and to follow my heart and not simply the thoughts in my head. I’m blessed to have connected with her and I know this is just the beginning of an amazing journey.
I’ve attended four Sacred Roar Circle gatherings and each one gets successively better. I continue to have breakthroughs and discover aspects of myself that have been hidden for many years. Through the different activities I participated in throughout the weekend, I’ve been able to dig deep within and uncover and get to the source of decisions I’ve made that have impacted my life in ways that were not benefiting me. Having made those discoveries, I see new ways of being that have elevated my life in ways that I previously did not seem possible. These gatherings are some of the most memorable moments in my life. I look forward to them because it’s a time of reflection, connection, and rebirth.
-Ronen Rahaman
July 3, 2015 I shattered my right leg while setting up my lake house for a 4th of July family weekend. Since that day I have had four major surgeries, vein oblation, and a yearlong battle with an infection which included a two separate PIC lines. On top of all that…I did not work for over a year. I lost my job. I battled with a short temper/anger problems. I have had my fair share of depression and dark thoughts which diminished my passion for life in general. This put a strain on my marriage of twenty-three years this November, and a major lack of want-to towards everything. August 27, 2017 my family got flooded by hurricane Harvey. While living with friends and family I started having severe gout pain. So the hits just kept coming. Chronic inflammation, nerve pain, swollen veins, and now gout! Fast forward to 2020and I started watching Facebook Lives by a high school classmate by the name of Stacey Rohr. She talked a lot about self-love, goals and dreams, follow your heart, etc. Then one day she started talking about Kambo! I listened, researched, and read all about it. It all sounded good, but I wondered if it was for me? Then one evening Stacey was doing a collective card pull which I felt was speaking straight to me. Then the next night she starts talking about the “Lion’s Gate” portal and how the moon is moving into Aquarius…wait a second; I’m Aquarius! So I contact her without expectations, just a calling or need to have a ceremony with her. Like the universe was saying “hey dumb-ass, go get right!” So on 08/08/2020I shared a sacred Kambo circle with Stacey and Greg during the Lion’s Gate. What can I say other than Holy Crap! My dark thoughts seemed to melt away. I was focused and centered. Then I started to notice that the pain and inflammation had gotten a lot better, almost gone completely. I have a better outlook on life. I am more focused and centered with my own spirit. I have more physical stamina at work. My thoughts are sharper and more concise. I could go on and on. I have since had two more sessions and I look forward to many more. I have made lifelong friends in Stacey and Greg who both get me excited about myself, plant medicine and the future! If my story helps lead someone to Kambo so that they may improve their life, well that is just another added bonus of this sacred medicine!
Much Love!!!, Michael Burt
I write this in hope that it will reach people that are looking for something new and different that can dramatically improve their life. I must first say that I’ve been on a healing journey for a while and have done many forms of personal development. When it came to the spiritual side of my journey I didn’t know how much I would benefit from what Stacey Rohr offers through Kambo, guided meditation, yoga, journaling, and holding sacred space where people can connect and essentially become family. My first experience with Kambo was such a delightful experience. I came to the gathering feeling a lot of mental heaviness and like my body was not at ease. I left feeling light, in love with life, and my body restored. When I accumulate all the practices, I can attest that I felt like a new me when I went home. The friendships I formed will be a part of me forever. Stacey has a true gift in doing what she does. She serves in such a loving, genuine and inspiring way. I do participate every three months and I always look forward to the gatherings. If you’re thinking about it, just do it. It will be life changing.
-Erick Fuentes
I have been receiving sessions with Stacey since December 2020. At first I was a nervous wreck to do it, not knowing what to expect. First of all, I’ve always been drawn to holistic healing. I had been suffering from inflammation and gout and saw how Kambo could help. The medicing has helped with the inflammation indeed and my gout attacks aren’t near as severe. I definitely know when I miss a month or two of Kambo. This medicine really does help. My sleep cycle has improved…with shift work my sleep cycles were getting interrupted and this seems to help me get back on track. It’s helped my skin; I was always breaking out and was prone to oiliness. If you’re on the fence to do Kambo I say take the leap of faith. Trust Stacey, trust the medicine. It will do wonders for you, I promise.
-Oscar Lopez
I am writing this to attest to the good character and high moral standards of Ms. Stacey Rohr. I have known Stacey for over two years now and consider myself to be a dearest friend of hers. From the first time I met Stacey, I thought that she was the sweetest and most caring person on planet earth. My initial impression has not changed. Since I have known Stacey, she has put her moral principles and integrity above all else. I sat through a Kambo ceremony with her in September of 2020 and was blown away at how she facilitated the ceremony and how much care and concern she had for myself and all the other participants. Everyone that I met at the ceremony continues to come to Stacey for Kambo treatments as well as for general life advice and guidance. I hope this helps the reader understand that Stacey is a fine upstanding individual with impeccable moral character and fitness. Her integrity is flawless, and she consistently stands in her truth, even when that is the hard position to take. I would recommend her for any position or project she puts her mind to. –With kindest regards, Greg Lake
I’ve been sitting with Kambo once a month for a year now for a reset. To refocus on my intentions for my life, to be more present in my life, as I can tend to get pulled in many directions in my life. While doing that I’ve really become close with Stacey. I absolutely love and adore her for everything she’s done for me, provided for me and encourages me to do in this lifetime. I consider Stacey my spiritual mentor because she is truly an angel walking on this earth. She embodies love. She embodies hope and possibility.
Stacey had always talked about doing these community circles & gatherings and the day came when she did, and The Sacred Roar Circle was beyond imaginable. All types of people from all walks of life gathering for the same goal, to be one with all. It was so inspiring because at that time I wasn’t confident in the life I wanted for myself. It opened up a space to be who I envisioned myself to be, to share ourselves vulnerably with each other and to receive love & support from others. I call Sacred Roar Circle Gatherings a fun adult day camp where we’re forced to unplug, be present, be one with nature and be with other like minded people who are so open to love and open to life and open to sharing each others’ gifts. I would absolutely, highly recommend it.
-Erin Pontbriand
Ever since Stacey Rohr and her magnetic lioness energy walked into my life, so much has changed for the better! She has served me Kambo medicine (4) times so far and every single time I have felt a release of negative energy to bad feeling thoughts to blockages within my heart. The entire ceremony process that she delivers is such a complete nourishing experience for me. You can feel her supportive energy through the process of sitting with the medicine. Starting with the Sananga that can be a really emotional experience for me. Stacey is patient and allows for me to get into my body at my own time. I’ve always felt safe in her care which allows me to truly feel into the healing of the medicine. When she serves me hape she soothes me as the snuff does its job. Pulling cards after being served Hape while sipping tea and enjoying a banana seals the ceremony perfectly as there’s always beautiful conversations and connections that emerge from it. Stacey is the conduit of a wonderful sense of community when I joined her Facebook group Sacred Rohr Circle. I have engaged with so many like-minded individuals because of Stacey and I am immensely grateful and feel blessed to have met such an aligned and loving soul on this journey we call life. I am extremely excited for her future plans to have her own retreat center in Costa Rica and to participate in her gatherings!
-Crystal Martinez